It's been incredibly gray and rainy here for the last couple of days! Which is why I'm still in a floral and bright colors mood! I offer you my outfits from the last couple of days. I am seriously in love with this Lularoe Amelia Dress - guys it has freaking pockets!!! Did you catch that? Pockets!!!!!! Ok, ok, I'm a dork, but...Read More
Happy Monday! Hopefully you are rested from the weekend. Here in the middle of Minnesota it was actually amazingly gorgeous spring weather and I spent a lot of time outside just soaking up some sun! I am loving a red lip lately with a really natural face - I think it plays off my pale skin (aka white girl ghost emerging from...Read More
Yeah - I know, it's mid April, and my last post was at the end of November. Let me catch you up a little, and talk about the direction I hope to take going forward. In November I came down with a horrible bought of pneumonia that lasted until the end of the year. I thought I would never get better, but slowly...Read More
I'm sure that you are busy getting ready for the ultimate eating day of the year - Thanksgiving! For me, the best way to control my eating during the holidays is to make healthier alternatives of my favorite foods. That way I don’t feel a bit of deprivation. This post contains the best of my favorite tried and true Thanksgiving side dishes! Now...Read More
You know the song - it's playing in your head right now isn't it? #sorrynotsorry But seriously... worth... self-worth. It's a bigger issue/topic than you probably think. Right now I want you to go to the mirror and look at yourself. Can you look at yourself and honestly say "I LOVE YOU!"? Even though over the last 5+ years I've gotten fatter and...Read More